FF Bosworth 1877-1958 in his book Christ the healer illustrates the truth that there are two parts to every victory. There’s God’s part and man’s part.

Man’s part is to trust, and God’s  part is to work. Men can never do God’s part, and God cannot do man’s part.

When we trust, God works, but He cannot work until we trust. Many people keep waiting for God to work before they have done their part in trusting.

FF Bosworth illustrates this truth clearly by paralleling it with a game of checkers.

We make our move, then God makes his move.

God cannot make his move out of turn, but he will always make his move when we have made ours.

God has made his move by laying all sickness and disease upon Jesus.

When we make our move by believing, confessing and acting on the truth, God will again make his move by meeting our faith with his power.

Many people fail to realize that they have a part to play, so they wrongly accused God of not fulfilling his word when, in reality, they have not fulfill their part. Once you make your move of faith, God is faithful to make his move.

He is waiting for you to make the move of faith, believing and trusting In Him and His Word.