The reason many givers give today is they are seeking for money

They give only so they can have more money but not so that God’s kingdom can be expanded

They give, not so that God can fulfill his purpose of reaching the nations of the earth with the gospel, but they cast their offering into the basket so they can get more money

God is saying run after me then I will supernaturally add those things to you

God knows you need these things and he is sincerely telling you how to get them

And God is saying: 

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 

Which means before attending to your own needs you ought to have lined up what the kingdom of God in your vicinity needs first.

This is the only way to abundance putting God‘s kingdom first.

Whosoever has left something for Gods sake and for the kingdom sake, not for his own sake, he shall have a hundredfold of it now in this time, and in the world to come, life everlasting

Listen to this those who give for their own sake will have nothing 

BUT those who give for God’s sake and for his kingdom can expect hundredfold returns (manifold returns many returns)

This supernatural increase is for kingdom seekers people that are addicted to the welfare of the kingdom

It is your attitude for giving that determines whether it has returns or not

Many prosperity preachers have missed this point. 

They will tell you that if you give, God will intern increase your purse. It is not true. 

God will not give the returns to everybody he will only do so on these premise:

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (His right way of doing things) , and all these things shall be added onto you.

He will only prosper those whose thought life is the Kingdom.

Become Kingdom minded and you will experience all these things freely flowing and added to your life.